"Where You At" Official Music Video

“Where You At” was produced and directed by Francis Capone and shot by Markus Mentzer in Joshua Tree, California.

Premiere: TBD

For "Where You At", Westerman worked with designer Juan Chavez and makeup artist and drag personality Imperia. She worked closely with choreographer Neaz KohaniTonatiuh Elizarraraz was her "jumbie" dance partner. Produced and directed by Francis Capone and shot by Markus Mentzer.

"I'm Not Asking You" Short Documentary

"Ego Trip" was produced and shot by Francis Capone in Long Beach, California.

Premiere: TBD

"I'm Not Asking You" is the bizarre story of why, after giving up on playing music, Alisha Westerman cold-called a total stranger and hired him to producer her first full-length studio album in just ten days of studio time. Featuring Chris Schlarb at BIG EGO in Long Beach, California. Produced and shot by Francis Capone  in Long Beach, California.